5.1 allelicDepth

Writing genotype likelihoods to a GLF file

allelicDepth creates a table summarizing the composition of the bases covering each site. It is basically a flattened 4-dimensional table.

5.1.1 Input

Required inputs :

--bam Input_bam_file.bam Input BAM file.

Optional inputs :

--recal recal.txt Quality score recalibration file (see recal for further information).
--pmd Input_PMD.txt Post-mortem damage parameters (see PMD for generating such a file).

Specific Parameters :

--readUpToDepth integer_value To set read depth up-to which reads are to be considered and ignore additional bases. Default = 1000.
--filterDepth integer_value1,integer_value2 To filter out sites with sequencing depth outside the range [integer_value1,integer_value2]. Default = Will keep sites regardless of depth.
--filterCpG To filter out CpG sites. Default = Will keep CpG sites.
--maxRefN numeric_value To specify the max fraction of sites with reference=ā€˜Nā€™ in a window, for the window to still be considered. numeric_value must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Default = 1.
--filterBaseQual integer_value1,integer_value2 To filter out bases with quality outside the range [integer_value1,integer_value2]. Default = [1,93].
--ignoreContexts To filter out bases based on context. Default = keep bases regardless of base context.
--printAll To print cells with zero counts as well. Default = Will only print cells with non-zero counts.

Engine parameters that are common to all tasks can be found here.

5.1.2 Output

* A table with the following columns: 1) A,C,G,T: 4 columns listing the amount of bases of each type. 2) Counts: the number of sites that have this specific base composition. 3) Depth: the total depth of the base composition (equal to sum of columns A,C,G and T).

5.1.3 Usage Example

#! /bin/bash

. $(dirname $0)/find_atlas
. $(dirname $0)/simulate --fixedSeed 22

$atlas --task allelicDepth --readUpToDepth 97 \
       --bam simulate.bam --window 4567 \
       --fixedSeed 25 --out $out --logFile $out.out 2> $out.eout