10.1 Filter parameters for Reads

--filterMappingLength [integer_1,integer_2] To restrict the length of the mapped reads to the range [integer_1,integer_2]. Default = [0,200]
--keepDuplicates To keep duplicate reads. Default = Duplicate reads are filtered out.
--filterSoftClips To filter out Soft clipped reads. Default = Soft clipped reads are kept.
--keepImproperPairs To keep Improper pairs. Default = Improper pairs are filtered out.
--keepUnmappedReads To keep Unmapped reads. Default = Unmapped reads are filtered out.
--keepFailedQC To keep reads that Failed QC. Default = reads that Failed QC are filtered out.
--keepSecondaryReads To keep Secondary reads. Default = Secondary reads are filtered out.
--keepSupplementaryReads To keep Supplementary reads. Default = Supplementary reads are filtered out.
--filterReadsLongerThanFragment To filter out reads longer than fragment size. Default = Reads longer than fragment size are kept.
--keepOnlyFwd or --keepOnlyRev To keep only forward or only reverse reads respectively. Default = Both forward and reverse reads are kept.
--keepOnlyFirst or --keepOnlySecond To keep only the first Mate or keep only the second Mate respectively. Default = Both first and second Mates are kept.
--blacklist blacklist.txt To filter out specific reads provided as a list. Default = nothing specific is filtered out.
--filterMQ [integer1,integer2] To restrict the mapping quality of the reads to the range[integer1,integer2]. Default = Reads with all mapping quality are kept.
--filterReadLength [integer1,integer2] To restrict the Read length to the range[integer1,integer2]. Default = Reads of all lengths are kept.
--filterFragmentLength [integer1,integer2] To restrict the Fragment length to the range[integer1,integer2]. Default = Fragments of all lengths are kept.