6.6 inbreeding
Estimating the inbreeding coefficient {#inbreeding}
infers the global inbreeding coefficient πΉ
from a population sample
using Reversible-Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJ-MCMC). It infers the following model parameters :
: the global inbreeding coefficient.withInbreeding
: whether there is inbreeding.π
: the allele frequencies (per locus).isPolymorph
: for each locus π, whether it is polymorphic. If a locus is polymorphic, then
\[{p_{l} \sim Beta(πΎ)}, else \\ {p_{l} = 0}\]
: the logarithm of the parameter of the symmetric Beta distribution on polymorphic loci.π
: the fraction of polymorphic loci.
6.6.1 Input
Required inputs :
--vcf \*_majorMinor.vcf.gz |
a multi-sample VCF file (e.g.Β created by majorMinor). Must contain GL or PL fields. |
Optional inputs :
--samples samples.txt |
a .txt file with a subset of samples from the VCF file (one sample per line). Note : if your VCF file contains multiple populations, and you would like to estimate the inbreeding coefficient per population, you will need to create one sample file per population (containing only the relevant samples) and then run inbreeding with each of these separately. |
Specific Parameters :
--limitLines integer_value |
To limit amount of lines to be read from VCF file. Default = Will parse entire VCF. |
--regions \*.bed |
To limit analysis to regions defined in BED file. Default = Will parse entire VCF. |
--filterDepth integer_value,integer_value |
To keep only the samples with indicated sample depth (inclusive). Default = Will keep all sites regardless of depth. |
--maxMissing numeric_value |
To filter out sites which has more than the indicated data fraction missing. numeric_value must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Default = keep sites regardless of missingness. |
--minMAF numeric_value |
To keep only sites for which minor allele frequency is at the least the indicated number. Default = all sites are kept regardless of minor allele frequency. |
--minVarQual numeric_value |
To only store sites with minimum variant quality as indicated or more. Default = Will keep sites regardless of their variant quality. |
--chr or --limitChr |
To keep only specified chromosomes. Default = Will keep all chromosomes. |
--iterations integer_value |
To specify the number of MCMC iterations. Default = 10000. |
--burnin integer_value |
To specify the number of MCMC iterations in each burnin round. Default = 1000. |
--numBurnin integer_value |
To specify the number of burnin rounds. Default = 10. |
--thinning integer_value |
To specify to write every nth iteration (excluding burnin) to the result file. Default = 10. |
--stateFile file_name |
To write the state of the MCMC to file. Default = disabled. |
--initVals file_name_from_previous_stateFile |
To initialize values and jump sizes from the state of a previous MCMC run as written by --stateFile . Can be used to re-start an MCMC. Default = disabled. |
--writeBurnin |
.Default = disabled. |
--probMovingToModelNoF numeric_value |
To propose move to model without F with indicated probability. numeric_value must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Default = Will propose move to model without F with probability 0.1. |
--probMovingToModelP0 numeric_value |
To propose move to monomorphic model with indicated probability. numeric_value must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Default = Will propose move to monomorphic model with probability 0.1. |
--lambdaF numeric_value |
To set π of exponential distribution for the proposal of new F when jumping to F-Model. Default = 100. |
--lambdaP numeric_value |
To set π of exponential distribution for the proposal of new π when jumping to polymorphic model. Default = 100. |
Engine parameters that are common to all tasks can be found here.
6.6.2 Output
*F_meanVar.txt | .txt the posterior mean (first row) and the posterior variance (second row) of πΉ and withInbreeding . The parameter withInbreeding reflects the posterior probability that the population in question is inbred. For example, if the posterior mean of withInbreeding = 1.0, we are 100% sure that there is inbreeding. |
*F_trace.txt | .txt file with the thinned MCMC chain (trace). Contains the MCMC samples of πΉ and withInbreeding . |
*p_meanVar.txt | .txt file with the posterior mean (first row) and the posterior |
variance (second row) of π , isPolymorph , log(πΎ) and π . |
*p_trace.txt | .txt file with all parameters associated with the allele frequency. |
Contains the MCMC samples of π , isPolymorph , log(πΎ) and π . |
_config.txt | .txt file with configurations of the run. |